Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chapter Six; Blech..

Hello, and welcome to another blog post with your favorite illogically sane person!

Dear [blank],

So, I'ma kinda, very pissed. Not only did my two of best friends start dating, but they're disgusting about it! Can't even go a full five minutes without hearing them suck face, it's awful!

The two of them making out sounds like their trying to deepthroat each other, honestly. I just wanna rip their lips off so I don't have to listen to it.

I mean, yeah sure, you're a couple, you wanna make out, but do you have to do it when your dumb asses invited people over? I don't think so! You're human, you're supposed to be able to control these urges, so there is no need for you to suck face like that when you have people over, not only is it rude, but it's disgusting! No one person on this planet that's in their right mind would want to listen to that crap, seriously, it's just.. Gah, all... puke-y.. D:

Okay.. I feel calmer.. I think.. Oh well..

And that is all for this.
So, thank you, and from yours truly,
L i s h

Friday, January 2, 2009

Chapter Five; Oi!

Hello, and welcome to another blog post with your favorite illogically sane person!

Dear [blank],

I'm back baby! x]
I got tired of not posting in here, and I actually grabbed myself some free time, so I get to post here, hahaha!

No seriously, happy new years to you all, etc.
'08 sucked. I failed History and English horribly. So I have to work my ass off this year to make up for that. I know, poor me, right?

Oh well, I shall live! I refuse to go to summer school again! That was god awful, it really was.

I hate waking up 6 in the morning.. DX

But I started up a blog with some friends, check it out, all you non-existent people reading this blog! We love visitors! ^_^

So, yeah, that's all for now.. I got nothing else to say at the moment..

And that is all for this.
So, thank you, and from yours truly,
L i s h