Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chapter Two; The Evil of Summer

Hello, and welcome to another blog post with your favorite illogically sane person!

Dear [blank],

I'm here once again, this time to complain and bitch about the heat.

The middle of fucking summer and the goddamn AC decides that it wants to go on a permanent fucking vacation. I am pissed. Fucker could have at least waited until late fall to decide to fucking break! I don't need it as much then!

I mean.. Seriously!
Of all times, the middle of fucking summer when bugs are out and about and then air is humid and hot as hell.

But.. I guess it could be worse..
We found an AC for a thousand with the installation fee included. And it has a one year warranty. So that's good, I suppose. The only thing is, that we have to try and get the money. And it doesn't help that I have to go back to school shopping real soon. Like.. In a couple days soon. -not happy-

So, I don't think I have anything else to say. I could say more, but it's too hot right now, and my ice pack is melting. At a very rapid pace I might add.

And that is all for this.
So, thank you, from yours truly,
L ii S H

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